WHO's Basic Malaria Microscopy Learner's Guide »

This guide is available on The Global Heatlh Network's Training Centre

Malaria Light Microscopy »

Report of WHO SEARO/WPRO workshop on quality assurance for malaria microscopy

Developing research capacity

These Toolkits advise and inform the key steps to successfully implementing a capacity-building initiative for research communities across a multitude of settings:

Setting up a Research Club »

What it is, why it is important and how to set up one in your setting.

 Running a Workshop Proposal Call »

How to design and implement a call to generate a robust community of practice for better health research in low-resource settings.

Establish a Research Support Room in your institution »

How to offer support to anyone who wants to design and develop a health research project in your establishment.

Development of massive open online courses (MOOCs) »

How to create MOOCs to support understanding of public health interventions and uncertainties during disease outbreaks.

Research Proposal Writing »

Step-by-step guidance for those seeking funding for their health research projects.



Setting up a Research Club »

Study planning

These flexible and adaptable toolkits aim to support teams with planning and conducting locally relevant trials and studies in their own settings:

Study Walk-through
Toolkit »

Description of the approach and how you can successfully implement this method.

Development Steps »

Guidance on the steps you should follow to turn your research question into a study.

Data Sharing »

Practical information and resources to support you during this process.

Management »

To help you contemplate the quality practices and processes to achieve consistent research results.

CCP Toolkit »

Step-wise support for operationalising the "African coaLition for Epidemic Research, Response and Training" Clinical Characterisation Protocol.


Research study techniques

With certain study procedures, it is important that relevant site staff understand the rationale and best practices. These toolkits provide comprehensive step-by-step guidance:

Malaria Clinical Trials Toolkit »

The Malaria Clinical Trials Toolkit is a pathway with a step by step guide for researchers on how to plan, design, execute and interpret malaria clinical trial results

Guillain-Barré Syndrome Management »

Ten-step approach to the diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, prognosis and long-term management of GBS.


Research dissemination and uptake

Improving the impact and uptake of research through better communications and dissemination. These toolkits provide comprehensive step-by-step guidance:

Creating your Communication Poster »

How to efficiently communicate your research results to the community, healthcare workers, and policy makers with a poster.


If you or your team would like to author a toolkit, or work with us to develop one based on your experiences, please get in touch!

We warmly welcome new collaborations to develop resources.

Contact us at info@theglobalhealthnetwork.org